Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have to figure out a way to make this badboy out of materials that are by nature flat. This may hurt.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Butcher Block, originally uploaded by neutralSurface.

I made this board out of 1" x 2" maple strips and I'm planning on routing out a site plan in 1"=64' scale on the cnc cutter. Crossing my fingers that I get a CNC time slot, and that the file works, and that the board doesn't split, and that it's worth my time. It's deceptively heavy.


Sketchup, originally uploaded by neutralSurface.

Going through stuff for my portfolio I ran across this little badboy from the first "Build Your Campus in 3D" competition that our Stanford team won last year. And it looks like there's a new one going on now too.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


P1010102, originally uploaded by Stanford Architecture.

I came across this photo in the Stanford Architecture photostream of what I presume to be the new Architecture studio in the brand new E&E building in the up and coming SEQ II. Somehow, two of my models (from the same project) made it over from Terman to the new space. Pretty sweeth.

Monday, April 7, 2008


string operations, originally uploaded by neutralSurface.

I've been working with string for the latest project which is fun, but may also prove to be my demise. This is part of my study "instrument" where I test the operations I've set apart: Pinch, spread, and bridge. We'll see what develops.


rhinoWall, originally uploaded by neutralSurface.

So the GSD took us to MoMA in NYC for a day and a day only. They took us to see "Design for the Elastic Mind" or something like that. Overall the exhibit was underwhelming. All the projects seemed to be undercooked and I guess I just expected more. Anyway, while the trip was fun, it definitely put us all behind our already tight schedule.