Friday, May 2, 2008


partial model, originally uploaded by neutralSurface.

This is how I'm dealing with curver's remorse…at least in 3D.

I'm slowly but surely pumping out my final production models for my second semester core class. The GSD has a lot of resources (CNC routers, multiple robot arms that no one knows how to use, plotters everywhere, 3D printers, and frickin' laser cutters), but when it comes to crunch time, everything is always taken. So you have to be crafty and slip in and get things done in the cracks and be ready to jump off of whatever it is you're doing and run down to get pieces of your model laser cut. It's insane and not conducive to sleep. But if all goes well we should all have very nice projects. Still being alive at the end would be a huge bonus too.

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