Tuesday, June 24, 2008


spaceball or what, originally uploaded by guckstdu.

Today at work I had to put together a large number of photos of bike parking facilities as part of a precedent study that we're beginning. So naturally I turned to flickr to find some images. However my attempts to drag the images into a folder were thwarted with the annoying "spaceball.gif." What is "spaceball?" I really didn't check, but I'm fairly certain that it's a 1x1 fully transparent image that is stretched over the protected image on a CSS layer that sits on top. (If anyone wants to correct me on this, feel free). Anyway, I looked into the page's source file and was able to get the urls for the images, but that was slow and tedious until I got the idea to simply add the url for spaceball.gif to my adblocker plugin. Once I did this, I was able to drag and drop any image from flickr with no problems.

The url to block the spaceball is here: http://l.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gif

Also, in all my flickr journies I've found that I really do not like HDR, digital B&W photos, and stupid "BESTEST FLICKR FOTOS EVAR!!1!!1ONE!" type groups. Please avoid them. For everyone's sake


Connie Jaio Wong said...

thank you for the url to block the spaceball overlay! it works great! Lifesaver!

Really like your layout and graphic design of this page.

cheesebubble said...

A good article on how to circumvent flickr's "spaceball" photos... http://labnol.blogspot.com/2007/08/download-flickr-photos-protected-by.html

joseph said...

Thanks Cheesebubble, however my method is better and faster. Did you read it?