Monday, June 2, 2008


Surface Zoom, originally uploaded by neutralSurface.

It's been too long since updating here basically since I've been incredibly busy with the ending school year, a brief trip out the west coast and everything in-between. Anyway, I'll try and catch up a bit starting now.

A few weeks ago Trish and I went on a whale watching cruise from the New England Aquarium in boston. After a week of planning and postponing we finally made it out for the Saturday afternoon boat. The boat took us about thirty miles offshore into the Atlantic to a marine preserve where humpback whales do their feeding. I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't expect to see so many whales and so close up. Before the boat left we heard someone ask how many whales the earlier boat had seen which was apparently around four. However we easily saw over a dozen whales including a cow and her calf. The trip was great until the boat turned back to shore and I began to get a little sea sick. But I did what I've always done in that situation, sleep. I find that as long as I can sleep I can pretty much shake off any motion sickness. Definitely a great little tour.

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